Thursday, April 9, 2009

Folk Art Heart Valentine (designed by Angie Padilla)

I came across this pattern at Angie Padilla's site, Angie's Bits n' Pieces and had to make it. The inticate way all the pieces of the heart fit together is just so wonderful! It makes me think of how all of us can fill our hearts with special moments when we are touched by someone or something. All those moments just fit perfectly to make your heart swell. I am thinking about maybe making more of these next year for gifts. Wouldn't you like to get one of these?


  1. My first word out of my mouth when I seen your quilt was "WOW!" You did a great job making that! Could you put a link to where you got the pattern? I would like to make one!
    And by the way, if your going to be making more to give away, I can send you my address!!!!

  2. Excellent Michele! Not only a smart person but beautiful handiwork!


  3. Beautiful! How all the hearts make a big heart! Gorgeous! I ove quilting, cross stitch, embroidery and any other kind of needlework and crafts. I also le scrapbooking, photography, DIY projects and just most everything. Would like to welcome everyone to come check out our blog for a cause that is near and dear to my heart. The WAGS Pet Therapy Group. I also am involved in many animal projects including dog rescue and adoption.


  4. Michele,
    Receiving something like this would certainly make my heart swell! It's a beautiful design. I enjoyed your blog, you are showing some of your beautiful works so far. Thanks for the eye candy.

  5. OH so wonderful. That is one quilt I believe everyone would want one of.

