Friday, May 15, 2009

Eggs Anyone?

Eggs to Americans are scrambled, over easy, over medium, over hard or hard boiled. In Europe eggs are generally served soft boiled resting in an egg cup, covered by an egg warmer (a quilted or felt cover that keeps your egg warm. I encountered this the first time I travelled to Europe about 12 years ago. It was wonderful! However, upon returning to the states, it is not something I ever entertained doing.

My Mom in the my recent past directed me to the beautiful, delicate and elaborate needlework designs of Martina Weber, also known as Chatelaine ( ). I have ordered several of her designs and while I am still drooling over all of them I have not yet started one. One day a ways back in a Chatelaine Yahoo Group, a discussion came up regarding Eierwärmers or Egg Warmers(Cozies) and how expensive they were. Long story made short, I offered to make her some.

This project has resulted in me deciding to make her two sets. One set for fall and winter, another for spring and summer. The needlework is done and I am working on quilting them now. Here is a peek at how they look:

Chickens, Chickens, Chickens

I have been working on machine appliquing a lot of chickens! At first, I thought that they would be sent in for a Swap with Fat Cat Patterns ( But my daughter Erin has a kitchen that has a country feel with old chicken egg crates, milk crates and bottles and apple wallpaper. So some of these lovely chickens are going to be made into a wall hanging! You will have to check back to find out which ones though!

Erin's Accomlishments

Last Saturday I travelled to watch my oldest daughter graduate from St. Martins University. I have never been so full of pride and love. Despite miles of adversity and mountainous challenges, Erin graduated with a double major in Criminal Science and Psychology. She also graduates next month from Centralia Community College. She has done all this while caring for her family; her husband, 5 full time children at home and usually 3 visiting children on weekends, not including any of her or their friends. She also coaches many of the kids activities and rarely misses a game, activity or performance. I only wish she would tell me what it feels like to walk with the gods! I Love You Erin!


My younger daughter, Caitie, came to visit me. We worked on a lot of graduation things and spent some good times together. In the past year or so, we have not had much time to spend with each other as she chose to live with her father for a while. During her stay with him, she has grown into a young woman and managed to graduate early from Lake Havasu City High School. We are travelling to her graduation next week. Time does fly!

Spring is FINALLY here!

Yes, Spring is finally here on Bells Mountain! The Quince is blooming, as are the lilacs and all of the other local flowers. If one rests quietly you can hear the hummingbirds squabble in the Flowering Quince. My friend the green Hummingbird is back, patrolling my office window and reminding me it is time to put his feeder up again. I love this time of year!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Making That Perfect Place to Work

Does anyone have the answer why when you start cleaning a room it always looks worse before it looks better? I can start cleaning a room that looks relatively clean and after spending more time than you anticipated spending in total that it looks worse than when you started?? Why is that???
So, guess where I am? Half way between clean and done. I think I have finally got the worst of the mess put away or thrown away. Here is what my space looks like so far:

But the Best thing of all, is the view!