Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Guest Ranch Above All Others

I know this is last months news, but after two graduations, my husband, son and I travelled to a guest ranch (dude ranch) for a family reunion with my sisters and their families. It was a WONDERFUL trip!

We started going to Tanque Verde Guest Ranch with my father before he died. He loved the place and felt that it was a great way to get our families together with activites for everyone. The food is incredible and of course, there are plenty of horse rides to work it off! Here are some pictures from this trip...

The Buckaroos- Jordan, Andra and Grace

There was a discussion by the adults in the group about, "How to Hang on to Your Horse" and "How to Properly Execute the Rodeo Wave":

1 comment:

  1. It will be nice to see you blogging more, maybe it will help us keep in touch.
